Loog Choob or Miniature fruit

Preparation of this Thai dessert will definitely enhance your creative impulse. You just need to have some wild imagination, delicate fingers, food coloring and small paint brush. Your Loog Choob is ready. To serve two to four persons you need to arrange half cup sugar, four cups coconut milk, one cup hulled mung beans, two to three bamboo skewers, and one package gelatin or food colors. The process is simple and it won’t take much time to prepare this Thai dish.

Mung bean should be boiled till it becomes soft and tender. You should make it like a pate. Coconut milk is added little at a time. Then the whole composition should be stirred in sugar. You can use low heat throughout the process. The paste should be so smooth that no one can feel a single bean kernel. The paste should be cooled before using this further. The gelatin can be prepared very easily after reading the instruction written on the packet.

After this the important part begins where you have the chance to show your talent and become popular in your kid’s friends circle. Take a small amount of the paste and shape it into a form a fruits, vegetables or if possible any animal. After that you can stick your fruit or vegetables on the skewer and this is mainly because of easy handling. After that color should be added on these with a fine brush. Gelatin will help to seal the color. The objects should be stuck to the skewer till the gelatin becomes completely set. Your dessert is ready. Place these in a plate and see the reaction of your tiny one. I can tell you from my experience you will get a warm hug and yes that’s your price…

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