Thai foods are very tempting and irresistible. Usually Thai foods are less oily and less spicy. It also contains less calorie but if you want to cook some Thai food it can be troublesome for you. But please don’t give up. Usually preparation of Thai food contains a long list of ingredients. You cannot use frozen of canned food as these are not very common in Thailand. In Pattaya also people love fresh food and fresh ingredients. In Pattaya you can have plenty of fresh vegetables, seafood, fresh fruits, spices, etc. Ingredients take an important part in preparing Thai dish. You should try to use fresh things as you will not get the exact aroma if using the canned one. Authentic Thai dishes demands the use of fresh ingredients and then only the flavor comes.
Your kitchen should be well equipped. Thai people usually use a wok and pot in almost all dishes. For dessert they use a bronze wok. Some other equipments are mortar and pestle. In Pattaya gas stoves are more common than electric stoves. Electric stoves are less popular as because heat is not distributed evenly in the system. If you want to make paste blenders or food processors will serve the purpose.
While planning for Thai food you must spend more time or preparation than in actual cooking. If you are planning to cook Tom Kha Gai you need 30 minutes to prepare the ingredients while you just need 15 minutes to cook the food. Thais spend more time on preparation as they always want fresh food. Fresh vegetables need to be washed and cut. Sometimes they make it dry before cutting. The preparation of cooking one dessert named Ta Go takes lot of time. This is served sweet on the lower side with coconut topping in a basket. The preparation starts from cleaning and also cutting leaves. After that they make the baskets. But after the lengthy preparation the dish comes really awesome and out of the world.
So if you have a plan to cook Thai food gather some of your friends and make the whole process enjoyable.
Your kitchen should be well equipped. Thai people usually use a wok and pot in almost all dishes. For dessert they use a bronze wok. Some other equipments are mortar and pestle. In Pattaya gas stoves are more common than electric stoves. Electric stoves are less popular as because heat is not distributed evenly in the system. If you want to make paste blenders or food processors will serve the purpose.
While planning for Thai food you must spend more time or preparation than in actual cooking. If you are planning to cook Tom Kha Gai you need 30 minutes to prepare the ingredients while you just need 15 minutes to cook the food. Thais spend more time on preparation as they always want fresh food. Fresh vegetables need to be washed and cut. Sometimes they make it dry before cutting. The preparation of cooking one dessert named Ta Go takes lot of time. This is served sweet on the lower side with coconut topping in a basket. The preparation starts from cleaning and also cutting leaves. After that they make the baskets. But after the lengthy preparation the dish comes really awesome and out of the world.
So if you have a plan to cook Thai food gather some of your friends and make the whole process enjoyable.
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